• Gradient Station™ Base Unit (Kombinace Fractionation & Gradient Forming)

Gradient Station™ Base Unit (Kombinace Fractionation & Gradient Forming)

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Biocomp Instruments

Kombinace Fractionace & Gradient Forming (2 stroje v jednom!)

Vysoká reproducibilita gradientů, příprava gradientů za méně než 2 minuty. 6 identických gradientů v jednom okamžiku. Odolný, jednoduché ovládání. Speciální píst. Detekce UV, vlastní software za velmi výhodnou cenu a připravené programy pro nepřeberné množství gradientů.

This hybrid instrument performs both gradient forming and fractionating.

The Gradient Station is two distinct instruments combined into one compact, fully functional hybrid. One forms density gradients and the other fractionates them after centrifugation. The performance of these two elements, is identical to the original instruments, the Gradient Master™ and the Piston Gradient Fractionator™, which are detailed below.

Gradient forming: in less than two minutes, you can produce 6 identical, linear gradients using a patented process we call tilted tube rotation. It is easy, fast and highly reproducible.

Gradient fractionation: after spinning your sample in an ultracentrifuge, the fractionator breaks it down into fractions for further analysis, while measuring the UV profile during fractionation if desired. Other features include light scattering band visibility for documentation and individual band recovery, precise distance-based fractionation with 10µm resolution, and air and liquid injection into the tip of the piston to remove residual sample and clean the tubing between fractions and runs.

Biologicals s.r.o. holds exclusive distribution rights for Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovenia.

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Gradient & Fractionator Systems    letákleták